Binary Heap Heapify Heapify Insert Delete Min Max Heap Sort Pls Give Examples Solutions C Q37148656

For binary heap, heapify-up, heapify-down, insert, deletemin/max, heap sort

pls give examples with solutions in C



The complete code for heap sort is given below, which includesinsert/delete, and heapify.

please have a look and let me know if further assistance isrequired.


#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

void heapifyArray(int array[], int a, int m) // a is the size ofthe heap, hepify will be done of the root node with the nodepresent at the index m
int large = m; // Root will be initialized as largest
int leftChild = 2*m + 1; // Assign left child
int rightChild = 2*m + 2; // Assign right child

if (leftChild


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