Browse Essays

Market Segmentation (Amazon Australia)

Topic Market segmentation (Amazon Australia) Instructions Using the four bases of segmentation, what market segmentation approaches do you think are most relevant for the chosen product, considering the type of … Read more

Market Analysis for Online Retailing Industry in Australia

Topic Market Analysis for Online retailing industry in Australia Instructions EXTERNAL ANALYSIS -The Opportunities and Threats are developed from this External analysis. • Market Analysis Description: 3. The total market … Read more

Managing Fixed and Variable Costs for Organization

Topic Managing Fixed and Variable Costs for Organization Instructions Organizations typically have either high fixed costs or low fixed costs, and it is important to understand how business decisions differ … Read more

Causes of Social Change

Topic Causes of Social Change Instructions For this assignment, you will have three options from which to choose: Choice 1: Sociologists attempt to understand why members of a society engage … Read more

Business Law

Topic Business law: Intoxication must be a result of connivance against the aggrieved party Instructions Should the law allow someone that becomes voluntarily incapacitated through intoxication or other means escape … Read more

Sex and Gender

Topic Sex and Gender Instructions Chapter 9 went into a great deal of detail pertaining to the gendering of work and the gender inequality that results.  This is important, because … Read more

Discrimination and Racism

Topic Discrimination and Racism Instructions For this discussion, we are going to talk about discrimination and racism.  I would like you to: 1.) Think of a time that you felt … Read more

Pure Monopoly

Topic Pure Monopoly Instructions Read pages 255, 260-263 and 268-270 of Economics. Consider the following as you read: What are the barriers to entry that shield pure monopolies from competition? What are the … Read more

Pure Competition in the Short Run

Topic Pure Competition in the Short Run Instructions Read pages 222 and 224-230 of Economics. Consider the following as you read: What is the difference between a market structure and a characteristic of … Read more

Businesses and the Costs of Production

Topic Businesses and the Costs of Production Instructions Consider the following as you read: What is the difference between accounting costs and economic costs? Why do economic costs include both explicit … Read more

Techniques in Financial Valuation

Topic Techniques in Financial Valuation Instructions The purpose of this assignment is to provide students an opportunity to practice and learn the time-value of money concepts covered during Week 4. … Read more

Time Value of Money

Topic Time Value of Money Instructions The purpose of this assignment is to provide students an opportunity to apply the concepts of time value of money covered in Ch. 13 … Read more

Business Model and Strategic Plan (Star Appliances)

Topic Business Model and Strategic Plan (Star Appliances) Instructions Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word strategic objectives summary. Include your balanced scorecard and its impact on all stakeholders, and the communication plan. Identify key … Read more

Annuity (Due Vs Ordinary)

Topic Annuity (Due Vs Ordinary) Instructions Read Ch. 14 of Business Math. Consider the following as you read and write a post: The difference between ordinary annuities and annuities due. How … Read more

Charles Perkins- The 1965 Freedom Rides in Australia

Topic Charles Perkins and The 1965 Freedom Rides in Australia Instructions Using APA format, analyze the text on Charles Perkins and The 1965 Freedom Rides in Australia. Answer preview Before … Read more

Object-Oriented Model

Topic Object-Oriented Model Instructions You are a member of the systems development team for XYZ Car Manufacturer. The project manager has tasked you to design an object-oriented modeling for the … Read more

Task Analysis: Wild Wood Apartment

Topic Task analysis: Wild Wood Apartment Instructions For this assignment, you will continue to work with the scenario you began in Chapters 1-4. The initial scenario (Wild Wood Apartments) is … Read more

Case Study: Almuthani Alsuaidan

Topic Case Study: Almuthani Alsuaidan Instructions Find a case scenario that deals with Neglect or Abuse and provide the following information: A. Provide a narrative of the case B. Discuss … Read more

Principles of Marketing and Strategy

Topic  Principles of Marketing and Strategy Instructions Briefly outline the 4 Ps of the Marketing Mix. Develop two different marketing mixes (4 Ps) for a lipstick designed for two different … Read more

Assess the potential impact of “Internet of things (IoT)” on the “Education” sector

Topic  Assess the potential impact of the “Internet of things (IoT)” on the “Education” sector Instructions  Write the “Previous work” section (similar to the Literature review of a Dissertation). Write … Read more