Browse Essays

Business Forms and Governance

Topic Business Forms and Governance Instructions The legal form an entity or individual takes is a decision that must be considered from a risk and liability perspective, not simply one … Read more

Community Health Nursing

Topic  Community Health Nursing Instructions  Use of Personal Communication Devices in Patient Care Settings How can the use of the nurse’s personal communication device(s) impact patient care positively and/or negatively? … Read more

Characteristics of a Corporation

Topic Characteristics of a Corporation Instructions Write a main post (200 words). Read pages 351-353, 366, and 368 of Legal Environment of Business. Considerthe following as you read: Think about the characteristics … Read more

Amphicyon major

Topic  Amphicyon major Instructions  This is an assignment in Amphicyon major Answer Preview  The bear dogs resembled the primitive dogs in many aspects that include body proportions. The bear dogs … Read more

Samsung Galaxy S7 Marketing Assessment

Topic  Samsung Galaxy S7 Marketing Assessment Instructions This assignment has several purposes. It requires you to: Apply marketing theory to the activities of a specific organization; Prepare a formal written … Read more

Arnott’s Case Study

Topic  Arnott’s Case Study Instructions  Explore the background Arnott’s and analyze the company’s supply chain Answer Preview  The founder of the company settled in Maitland in southern Australia. At first, … Read more

Philadelphia Building Project Part. I (Fisher Fine Arts Library)

Topic  Philadelphia Building Project Part. I (Fisher Fine Arts Library) Instructions  Answer Preview  The plan of the library is exceptionally innovative. To access the five stories of the building, visitors … Read more

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Systems

Topic Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems Instructions Write a 4-page essay in APA format. Using scholarly material, explain how Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Systems mitigate risk and assist in organizational … Read more

Organizational Behavior Factors and Quality of Life

Topic The association between organizational behavior factors and health-related quality of life among college teachers Instructions For this assignment, you will locate an article in the Online Library that relates … Read more

24-Hour Diet Recall for an Adult Client

Topic 24-Hour Diet Recall for an Adult Client Instructions Write a 24-hour dietary report for an adult client. Answer preview The 24-hour diet recall is a diet … Read more

Legal Structure in a Business (Licensing Software)

Topic Legal Structure in a business (Licensing Software) Instructions Read pages 331-332 and 339-344 of Legal Environment of Business. Consider the following as you read: Business formation should be considered with risk tolerance … Read more

Research Preparation

Topic Research Preparation Instructions Write 2 pages in APA format Answer preview The process of completing a research study begin with the preparation process of the research, which is not … Read more

Writing Variations

Topic Writing Variations Instructions Write 2 pages in APA format. Answer preview I have learnt that at this level of writing, the demands of students vary widely across various genres, … Read more

Unaccompanied Children and US Immigration System

Topic Unaccompanied Children (UAC) and the US Immigration System(Challenges and Reforms) Instructions For this assignment, you will pull together the information from your Unit II and Unit IV assignments to … Read more

Pope Francis Chose St. Francis for Center Laudato Si’

Topic Why Pope Francis Chose St. Francis as the figure to Center Laudato Si’ Instructions Answer the following question using only the sources we have read so far in class: … Read more

Business Merits and Demerits

Topic Business Merits and Demerits Instructions Read pages 310-326 of Legal Environment of Business. Consider the following as you read: As you think about the forms a business can take, consider as you … Read more

Human Resources Management

Topic Summary: Human Resources Management Chapter 1 Instructions Write 15 sentences summary for each pdf. Answer preview Understanding Human Resource Management is important for managers, entrepreneurs and the HR personnel … Read more

Human Resources

Topic Human Resources Instructions Write 15 sentences summary for each pdf. Answer preview Strategic planning involves set of procedures for making decisions about the organization long terms goals and strategies. … Read more

Information Communication Technology (ICT)

Topic Information Communication Technology (ICT) Instructions Write an interview summary (200 words). The chapter from Sonya Hamlin focuses on communications with three generations. To support your view of how generational … Read more

The Role of the Internet in E-marketing

Topic The role of the internet in E-marketing Instructions Reflect: This assignment is not a summary of the material that you have learned, but rather a journal of your thoughts as … Read more