Browse Essays

Globalization of Malls

Topic  Globalization of Malls Instructions  Write an essay about the globalization of malls Answer Preview  The globalization of malls in the Middle East is characterized by the fact the economic … Read more

Metabollic Syndrome

Topic  Metabolic Syndrome Assignment Requirement  Describe Metabolic Syndrome and the associated conditions. Provide data to show the effects on the life expectancy of affected individuals. Provide data to show the … Read more

The Principle of Law of Contracts in relation to Emma the Merchant.

Topic  The Principle of Law of Contracts in relation to Emma the Merchant. Assignment Description  Erma, a merchant, receives a brochure from Ammco regarding some merchandise that is sold in … Read more

Student-Centered Learning Compromises the Quality of Education

Topic  Student-Centered Learning Compromises the Quality of Education Instructions  Answer Preview  Student-centered learning, which is also commonly referred to as flexible-learning, child-centered learning, or experiential learning, describes the learning method … Read more

California Fair Employment and Housing Act of 1959

Topic  California Fair Employment and Housing Act of 1959 Instructions .  Make sure your research project is like a model on the blackboard under the syllabus. Subtitle each section in … Read more

California Equal Pay Act

Topic California Equal Pay Act Instructions Make sure your research project is like a model on the blackboard under the syllabus. Subtitle each section in bold type-Introduction, Law, Rationale, Social … Read more

California Unruh Civil Rights Act

Topic  California Unruh Civil Rights Act Instructions  The purpose of the rough draft was to make sure you have begun the research project.  Before you submit the final draft on … Read more

Counseling and Codes of Ethics

Topic  Counseling and Codes of Ethics Assignment Description: This assignment consists of 2 parts. Part 1: Professional Code of Ethics (due Week 6) Identify your chosen profession (psychologist, educator, counselor, … Read more

The New Deal

Topic  The New Deal Instructions  Answer Preview  The New Deal entailed a series of programs including Social Security that was passed in the United States between 1933 and 1938 and … Read more

Laws and Acts Over the years

Topic  Laws and Acts Over the years Instructions  Answer Preview  Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation   Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation is one of the United States that has the role of … Read more

Training and Development Strategy (The Case of Wal-Mart)

Topic  Training and Development Strategy (The Case of Wal-Mart) Assignment Steps  Resources: Human Resource Management: Ch. 8; Supplemental Resources. Choose your own organization or one you know well to use for this assignment. Concentrate … Read more

Employee-training Methods in the workplace

Topic  Employee-training Methods in the workplace Instructions What method or methods are used to train employees in your workplace or one you are familiar with? Is it effective? Why or … Read more

Nutritional Programming Policies that Impact Childhood Obesity Rates

Topic  Nutritional Programming Policies that Impact Childhood Obesity Rates Instructions Write some policies on Nutritional Programming that can have an effect on childhood obesity rates. Answer Preview  The School District … Read more

Balanced Scorecard

Topic  Balanced Scorecard Instructions  Review the Example and Practice sections of the Balanced Scorecard Module to practice reading and evaluating the information it presents. Complete the Assignment section of the Balanced Scorecard … Read more

The Leadership of Walt Disney.

Topic  The Leadership of Walt Disney. Instructions  In this paper, choose a famous person and then form a hypothesis about whether you feel that person has the skills (had, if … Read more


Topic  SONY CORPORATION IS A LEADER IN TRANSNATIONAL BUSINESS Instructions This is a business case study assignment Answer Preview  In 1956, Totsuken was able to successfully improve on the transistor … Read more

Vending Machines in Schools

Topic  Vending Machines in Schools Instructions  Write about why vending machines are not healthy food Answer Preview  The eating habits of young people are highly influenced by the environment in … Read more

Interpersonal Communication

Topic  Interpersonal Communication Instructions  Answer Preview  How would you explain the noise (and its four types) and context (and its four dimensions) Devito (2013) defines noise as any form of … Read more

The Right Cause- Women’s Right to have an Abortion

Topic The Right Cause- Women’s Right to Have an Abortion Instructions  The topic is (if you were to support a cause, what would it be and why?) Answer Preview  The … Read more


Topic  EFFECT OF CHILDREN EXPOSURE TO ELECTRONIC MEDIA Instructions  For this assignment, you will select a topic for your grant proposal (i.e., Final Project due in Week Six). Then you … Read more