Browse Essays

The Case of the Overseas Helpers

Topic  The Case of the Overseas Helpers Instructions  Write on the case of the Overseas helpers Answer Preview  Values/Virtues in Tension The first value in tension is the reaction of … Read more

Research Methods in Neuroscience

Topic  Research Methods in Neuroscience Instructions  After reading Chapter 5, Methods and Strategies in Research in the course text, choose an original peer-reviewed research article from the Week Two Articles List … Read more

Pine Peaks Fine Furniture and Joinery

Topic Pine Peaks Fine Furniture and Joinery Instructions  Write an argumentative essay discussing the operational issues facing Pine Peaks Fine Furniture and Joinery. The essay should identify and discuss the … Read more

Desktop Security

Topic  Desktop Security Requirements  No of pages 1 -discussion board (1/2 page discussion and ½ page response) Week 7 discussion deals with developing a strategic plan on implementing security controls … Read more

Media Analysis Paper-Ethical Dilemma

Topic  Media Analysis Paper-Ethical Dilemma Reflection Assignment Description: Assignment: This is an assignment in which students will reflect on their ability to recognize and understand ethical dilemmas. Understanding ethics is … Read more

Health Care System in Turmoil

Topic  Health Care System in Turmoil Instructions  Answer Preview  Imagine a world where there was enough for everyone? Where the hungry would get food, the sick treatment, the homeless a … Read more

Billy’s Café and Fiona’s Fashion Financial Analysis

Topic  Billy’s Café and Fiona’s Fashion Financial Analysis Requirements  Answer the following questions separately for each of the two businesses   Using the Profit & Loss statements provided, any key … Read more


Topic  CORE COMPONENTS OF BUSINESS Questions  Question 1) Which one of the core components of a business would you choose to be your area of expertise, and why? Question 2) … Read more

How the “Great Recession” Affects U.S. Economic System

Topic  How the “Great Recession” Affects U.S. Economic System Instructions  Write about How the great recession impact on the U.S. economic system. Answer Preview  The “great recession” occurred between December … Read more


Topic  BANNING SMOKING IN US CAMPUSES AND COLLEGES Instructions  1-Should higher education be free in the U.S? 2-Should smoking be banned on all colleges and campuses in the U.S? 3-Should … Read more

Human Resource Management: Johnsons’ and Johnson

Topic  Human Resource Management: Johnsons’ and Johnson Assignment Steps  Resources: Human Resource Management: Ch. 2; Supplemental Resources. Choose your organization or one you know well to use for this assignment.  Develop a 1,050-word report … Read more

Effect of children exposure to electronic media

Topic  Effect of children exposed to electronic media Instructions  For this week’s assignment, you will complete the Background (including a literature review) and Significance sections of your grant proposal following … Read more

Financial Analysis Project-Billy and Fiona’s Business Ventures

Topic  Financial Analysis Project-Billy and Fiona’s Business Ventures Instructions  Write a Financial Analysis Project-Billy and Fiona’s Business Ventures. Answer Preview  The cash flow analysis revealed that Billy’s café had a … Read more

Destination Management and Planning on Vietnam Tourism

Topic  Destination Management and Planning on Vietnam Tourism Sustainable Tourism Development Develop a policy, using three different policy instruments to address a barrier to sustainable tourism development in Can Tho. … Read more

The Mormon Culture : Culture analysis

Topic  The Mormon Culture: Culture analysis Instructions Answer Preview  What might have started out as a religious group, has grown to become a cultural group that is bound by a … Read more

Ethical essay: If your robot buys illegal drugs

Topic  Ethical essay: If your robot buys illegal drugs Requirements Write a 2/3 to 1 page, single-spaced,  essay dealing with the case Robot Druggie In your answer, you should follow this … Read more

The United States Civil Rights Act

Topic  The United States Civil Rights Act Instructions  All people are expected to obey laws at home, school, and in their community. Think of a specific law that you are … Read more

UNIVEG Group Segmentation Analysis

Topic  UNIVEG Group Segmentation Analysis Instructions  You must submit a hard copy market segmentation analysis in the form of both PowerPoint slides AND comprehensive annotated notes. You need to base … Read more

Change Management Plan-McDonald’s

Topic  Change Management Plan-McDonald’s Assignment Steps Resources: Human Resource Management, Supplemental Resources. Choose your organization or one you know well to use for this assignment. You may use the same organization you … Read more

Pros and Cons of Trump’s Immigration Policy

Topic  Pros and Cons of Trump’s Immigration Policy Description A report describing the pros and cons of Trump’s immigration policy. Answer Preview From the moment that business mogul Donald Trump … Read more