Browse Essays

Engels-Inspired Utopia

Engels-Inspired Utopia Instructions In this assignment, you are to construct an Engels-Inspired Utopia. Such a utopia will have 3 main characteristics: 1. A highly developed technologically driven global society 2. … Read more

Global assessment: Canada FDI

Global assessment: Canada FDI Instructions  Answer Preview  In line with business ethics, professionals have a duty to adhere steadfastly to high professional standards and ethical principles. By being fair and … Read more

Jim Hemerling Five ways to lead in an era of constant change

Jim Hemerling Five ways to lead in an era of constant change Instructions  watch five from are to provide a half-page write up on each video 1 the name and URL of the video 2 … Read more

Margaret Heffernan Forget the pecking order at work

Margaret Heffernan Forget the pecking order at work  watch five from are to provide a half-page write up on each video 1 The name and URL of the video 2 What the presentation was … Read more

Rachel Botsman We’ve stopped trusting institutions and started trusting strangers

Rachel Botsman We’ve stopped trusting institutions and started trusting strangers Instructions watch five from are to provide a half-page write up on each video 1 the name and URL of the video 2 what the … Read more

Kelly McGonigal: How to make stress your friend.

Kelly McGonigal: How to make stress your friend. Instructions  watch five from are to provide a half-page write up on each video 1 the name and URL of the video 2 what the presentation was … Read more

Entrance Paper: Ethical theories

Entrance Paper: Ethical theories Instructions  An Entrance Paper is a 1 page, 400-500 word single-spaced typed paper which reflects on the reading for the class. Think of the paper as … Read more

The Yellow Wallpaper’ by Charlotte Gilman Literal analysis

The Yellow Wallpaper by Charlotte Gilman Literal analysis Instructions Answer Preview Writing long and short stories requires proper use of literary constructs and devices to ensure that information is properly … Read more

Is Healthcare a Right?

Is Healthcare a Right Requirements Reflecting: Is Healthcare a Right? Answer Preview  Healthcare should be a right that must be accompanied by an obligation to offer it. In the United … Read more

Singles Market Discussion

Singles Market Discussion Read the article and Discuss: You are the owner of the Sumo Salad retail chain. You have decided to create take-home single serve salad tubs which will … Read more

Dream Water Discussion Quiz

Dream Water Discussion Quiz QUESTIONS FOR DISCUSSION: Define and explain for Dream Water: Core Product, Actual Product, and Augmented Product. (Ref: Slides 3 to 8).  Which factors could affect Dream … Read more

Business idea: Cardboard Recycling Business

Business idea: Cardboard Recycling Business Requirements Section 1: The Problem Describe the problem your organization will address. Please include detailed information explaining the causes of this problem and why it still … Read more

Pierre Bourdieu’s Cultural Capital Theory

Pierre Bourdieu’s Cultural Capital Theory Requirement  The application paper requires you to integrate a theory from the information we’ve studied with an event or events from your personal experience. The … Read more

MS Computer Science

Personal Statement: MS Computer Science (Security Track) Personal Statement Requirement: The personal statement, limited to 2 pages, should provide a brief description of: Your academic and professional accomplishments. Your overall … Read more

Sociological analysis: Crime in the movie ‘American Gangster’

Sociological analysis: Crime in the movie American Gangster Instructions Name of the film (10 points): Describe the plot of the movie that you viewed (40 points): Work Preview The movie … Read more

Criticism on Historiometric Approach to Creativity

Criticism on Historiometric Approach to Creativity Requirement  1000 words on Histometry( Criticisms on its approach to creativity) Work Preview           Historiometry is a scientific method of … Read more

Human Trafficking

Human Trafficking Instructions Write an essay on Human trafficking as a global epidemic basing it in the USA Scenario. Work Preview In the United States, human trafficking is one of … Read more

Patch Management Research

Patch Management Research Instructions This research paper will focus on issues and concerns with Patch Management.  With the advent of many types of software and systems, patch management is a … Read more

Generating a Personal Learning Epistemology

Generating a Personal Learning Epistemology Instructions Generating a Personal Learning Epistemology Prior to beginning work on this assignment, read the “Personal Epistemology in Education” article in your text (p. 52), … Read more

Journal: Cognition: Overview and Recent Trends

Journal: Cognition: Overview and Recent Trends Instructions  Prior to beginning this journal entry, review the “Cognition: Overview and Recent Trends” (pp. 3-8), “Neuroscience Bases of Learning” (pp. 9-15), and “Learning … Read more