Browse Essays

Branding Approaches that Lomography should adapt

Topic Branding Approaches that Lomography should adapt Instructions Read “Lomography: Analog in a Digital World” in “Lomography.pdf“ Write 700 essay on: What kind of branding approach should Lomography take and … Read more

Accor Industry – Implementation, Implementation Actions and Control Mechanisms

Topic Accor Industry – Implementation, Implementation Actions and Control Mechanisms Instructions Critically analyse the case study following the framework introduced in the seminars to identify 1-3 key challenges/problems in the … Read more

A Speech on Sports Anxiety

Topic A Speech on Sports Anxiety Instructions The presentation structure will be composed of an introduction, review of literature and a reference list. These sections will be broken down as … Read more

A Study on Employee Turnover in Shanghai’s Luxury Hotels

Topic A Study on Employee Turnover in Shanghai’s Luxury Hotels Instructions Write a literature review on employee turnover in Shanghai’s luxury hotels. Answer preview Employees play an important role in … Read more

Supply Chain Operations Ecuador Bananas and Hyundai Automotive Products

Topic Supply Chain Operations Ecuador Bananas and Hyundai Automotive Products Instructions Write a report addressing the following areas: Compare and analyse the supply chain of a perishable product and an … Read more

Speech on The Behavioral Approach to Explaining Phobias

Topic Speech on The Behavioral Approach to Explaining Phobias Instructions Give a presentation on: “The behavioural approach to explaining phobias” Must include Explanation the two-process model and evaluation. Please write: … Read more

Marketing Plan for Linen Trends

Topic Marketing Plan for Linen Trends Instructions    Answer preview Linen Trends is a small business, located in Hamilton, Ontario, and specializing in the sale of bed sheets, pillows, bed … Read more

Ethical Issues Concerning Embryos, Stem Cells, and Cloning

Topic Ethical Issues Concerning Embryos, Stem Cells, and Cloning Instructions Discuss the ethical issues concerning embryos, stem cells, and cloning. Answer preview The technique of relocating a nucleus from a … Read more

The Cause of the Financial Crisis and Globalization Critique

Topic The cause of the Financial Crisis and Globalization Critique Instructions Choose TWO questions from the “Question choices” section below. For each question: 1. Identify two or three KEY POINTS … Read more

Comparison of Taylorist and Post-bureaucratic Organizations in Employees’ Perspectives

Topic Comparison of Taylorist and Post-bureaucratic Organizations in Employees’ Perspectives Instructions Taylorist and post-bureaucratic organisations are two very different places to work. Compare the two organisational forms from the employee’s … Read more

A review of The Art Public Speaking by Stephen E. Lucas

Topic A review of The Art Public Speaking by Stephen E. Lucas Instructions Write a review of The Art Public Speaking by Stephen E. Lucas. Answer preview The concept of Public … Read more

The Allusion of the Movie Spectator and the Various Taboos and Themes in various movie genres

Topic The Allusion of the Movie Spectator and the Various Taboos and Themes in various movie genres Instructions The task is a written response to one of the following questions: … Read more

Mother Maryam Foundation

Topic Mother Maryam Foundation Instructions Conduct an interview with someone who is working in a non-profit organization, governmental agency, or business so that you can learn how the organization is … Read more

To Kill a Mockingbird (1962) Film Analysis and Critique

Topic To Kill a Mockingbird (1962) Film Analysis and Critique Instructions Choose a film to watch and then write a critique. Answer preview To Kill a Mockingbird is a dramatic movie … Read more

New Media Devices, Announcing a Child’s Death on Twitter, Virtual Reality, Julian Assange and Posthumanism

Topic New Media Devices, Announcing a Child’s Death on Twitter, Virtual Reality, Julian Assange and Posthumanism Instructions Write 250 words single-spaced for each answer. Type onto this sheet. You may … Read more

Andrew Jackson’s Nullification Proclamation

Topic Andrew Jackson’s Nullification Proclamation Instructions Read Andrew Jackson’s Nullification Proclamation and answer the questions below. What are Andrew Jackson’s views on nullification? What is supreme and sovereign in Jackson’s … Read more

The Analysis of The American Constitution

Topic The Analysis of The American Constitution Instructions Constitution of the United States Worksheet The Legislative Branch: Article I, Sections 1-9 List the qualifications for the U.S. House of Representatives: … Read more

The Analysis of Thomas Jefferson

Topic The analysis of Thomas Jefferson Instructions After watching the video on Thomas Jefferson, answer the following questions. What kind of person was Thomas Jefferson? What were some of the … Read more

Leadership and Organizational Culture

Topic Leadership and Organizational Culture Instructions Write a 10-12 page (not including references) paper double-spaced (12 pt, New Times Roman), using APA 5 th edition, on a topic based on … Read more

Thomas Jefferson’s First Inaugural Address

Topic Thomas Jefferson’s First Inaugural Address Instructions Read Thomas Jefferson’s First Inaugural Address to answer the questions below. What does Thomas Jefferson say about the majority and minority opinion in … Read more