Browse Essays

The Institution of Slavery in Early History

Topic The Institution of Slavery in early History Instructions Answer preview Majority of African were adherents to the two Abrahamic religions namely Islam and Christianity. These traditional religions produced no … Read more

The Definition of Crime – Uniform Crime Report

Topic The Definition of Crime – Uniform Crime Report Instructions Discuss the crime problem, related statistics, and argue why the topic is important. Look at the FBI UCR crime stats … Read more

How Listening to Certain Music can be an effective Relaxation Technique

Topic How Listening to Certain Music can be an effective Relaxation Technique Instructions Listen to the Mountain Lake segment on the relaxation CD that came with your textbook or you … Read more

The Concept of Flow

Topic The Concept of Flow Instructions What is meant by the concept of “flow” in the management and organisational literature (Csikszentmihalyi, 1977) ? Is there a relationship between achievement-orientation and … Read more

Firms, Markets and Business Management

Topic Firms, Markets and Business Management Instructions Discuss: Proponents of policies to allow taller buildings argue that this strategy will result in lower cost of housing, while the opponents argue … Read more

Comparing and Contrasting the Five Conflict Management Styles

Topic Comparing and Contrasting the Five Conflict Management Styles Instructions Write a short 2-3 page paper Comparing and Contrasting the 5 conflict management styles and define which you think is … Read more

Comparison of Inclusive and Exclusive Meditation

Topic Comparison of Inclusive and Exclusive Meditation Instructions Write a short paper 3 pages comparing and contrasting inclusive and exclusive meditation, provide examples of each, which do you think is … Read more

Gender Equality and Aging Workforce Diversity Issues in New Zealand Context

Topic Gender Equality and Aging Workforce Diversity Issues in New Zealand Context Instructions The global phenomenon of diversity is a challenge faced by both countries and organisations in the 21st … Read more

History Definitions (Slavery and related topics)

Topic History Definitions (Slavery and related topics) Instructions Define the following terms: The transatlantic slave trade Bacon’s rebellion The middle passage 1790 naturalization act The Louisiana purchase David walker’s appeal … Read more

Early American History Definitions Post-independence

Topic Early American History Definitions post-independence Instructions Discuss the early American History definitions post-independence Answer preview French revolution refers to a far-reaching period of political and social upheaval in France and … Read more

The Concept of Construct Validity

Topic The Concept of Construct Validity Instructions In a two-page opinion paper, use information presented in the text and weekly resources to address the following statements regarding construct validity. Why … Read more

Causes of High Turnover among Female Managers in Senior Positions Introduction

Topic Causes of High Turnover among Female Managers in Senior Positions Introduction Instructions As a management consultant working in an International Service Provider company, the CEO has called upon your … Read more

My Communication Skills

Topic My Communication Skills Instructions Write a short 3-5 page paper evaluating your own communication skills. Use your text and outside resources.  Be sure to submit the paper in proper APA format … Read more

WISC-V Interpretation

Topic WISC-V Interpretation Instructions Please write a 3-4 page paper that analyzes an instrument (e.g., WISC-V, WIAT-III, Rorschach, TAT) according to cultural and ethical considerations. In your paper, be sure to do … Read more

Comparison of Cultural Values and Dimensions in Regards to Brazilian, American and Malaysian Contexts

Topic Comparison of Cultural Values and Dimensions in Regards to Brazilian, American and Malaysian Contexts Instructions CASE: ALIZEE AIRLINE CASE Case overview: The chosen case describes the cultural differences in … Read more

The Social Structure Theory in relation to Criminology

Topic The Social Structure Theory in relation to Criminology Instructions Select a criminological theory of your choice. Locate one journal article that supports your theory and one that does not … Read more

Communication Strategy for the World Health Organization

Topic Communication Strategy for the World Health Organization Instructions Write a review paper on the Communication Strategy for the World Health Organization Answer preview Communication planning entails defining the audience, … Read more

Managing People- Perceived Organizational Support (POS)

Topic Managing People- Perceived Organizational Support (POS) Instructions You are required to write case analysis that demonstrates your knowledge and understanding of a core theory from the unit. You have … Read more

The Debate on Slavery

Topic The Debate on Slavery Instructions Using the primary texts supplied, choose two pro-slavery and two anti-slavery documents and write a 750-word essay that examines how the proponents and opponents … Read more

Ethical Question in BIID Amputation

Topic Ethical Question in BIID Amputation Instructions Read the case below for this short paper and write an essay that accomplishes the following: a) Write a paper that clearly explicates … Read more