Browse Essays

Driverless Car Event Planning

Topic  Driverless Car Event Planning Instructions  Marks will be given for the originality, creativity and application to the plan. Screenshots of the group’s SketchUp (or other visual tool) model must … Read more

Why are Indigenous Languages Important?

Topic  Why are Indigenous Languages Important? Instructions  Purpose This essay will examine if you can respond to the interconnected aspects of Aboriginal society and recognise the holistic overlapping complexity of … Read more

The State of A Productive Workforce

Topic  The State of A Productive Workforce Instructions  Write an essay paper on the State of a productive workforce. Answer Preview  The other outcome of a productive workforce is customer … Read more

Ethical, Legal and Cultural Issues Relevant to Research

Topic  Ethical, Legal and Cultural Issues Relevant to Research Instructions  Write a research paper focusing on Ethical, Legal and Cultural Issues Relevant to Research Answer Preview Knowledge and Information of … Read more

Recruitment and Selection in City Police Department

Topic  Recruitment and Selection in City Police Department Instructions  Write a paper that describes the recruitment and Selection in City Police Department Answer Preview  Ageing Population Ageing population is a … Read more

International Market analysis: The Case of Coles Supermarket

Topic  International Market analysis: The Case of Coles Supermarket Instructions  Write an international market analysis focusing specifically on Coles supermarket. Answer Preview  Businesses join the international market for different reasons, … Read more

Telehealth and Beyond

Topic  Telehealth and Beyond Instructions  Create a PowerPoint presentation that addresses each of the following points/questions. Be sure to completely answer all the questions for each bullet point. Use clear … Read more

The Organizational Culture Safety Position Statement

Topic  The Organizational Culture Safety Position Statement Instructions  Part 1 Prepare a position statement for an organization that you work with or are familiar, with that outlines the importance of … Read more

The Importance of Supporting and Recognizing Indigenous Languages

Topic  The Importance of Supporting and Recognizing Indigenous Languages Instructions  Essay Description Recognition of Indigenous languages and support for Indigenous language programs stand alongside land rights, health, justice, education, housing, … Read more

How to Write an Essay Title

Learning how to write an essay title is extremely important if you are to be a pro essay writer. Many students face the challenge of titling their essays. Well, this … Read more

How to Write a College Research Paper

We expound more on how to write a college research paper… Kindly read through and be a pro writer… Are you a college student? Are you looking for ways to … Read more

Types of Essays

There are different types of essays that you as a writer should know about. While at work, college, or high school, it is common for you to come across various … Read more

Margaret Heffernan | The Successful Businesslady

Margaret Heffernan is the ideal woman whose life history and teachings can inspire today’s modern career woman. An astute business lady, her Ted Talks and other achievements will inspire you… … Read more

Cannabis 101

Topic  Cannabis 101 Instructions  Write a 1500 word essay addressing each of the following points. Be sure to completely answer all the questions for each bullet point. Explain how cannabis … Read more

Market Entry Strategy-Alibaba in Peru

Topic  Market Entry Strategy-Alibaba in Peru Instructions  Write an analysis paper on Market Entry Strategy-Alibaba in Peru Answer Preview  Economically Peru has been one of the fastest growing economies in … Read more

Assessment Proposal on Online Media Utilization

Topic  Assessment Proposal on Online Media Utilization Instructions  Write a paper on assessment proposal on Online Media Utilization Answer Preview  It is defined as the ability to leverage online channels … Read more

Cultural Policy Case Study

Topic  Cultural Policy Case Study Instructions  Details of task: In this last essay you are required to produce a case study of a real-world cultural economy strategy or cultural policy initiative. You might take … Read more

Media Discussion of Artificial Intelligence (AI) as a Negative Technological Development

Topic  Media Discussion of Artificial Intelligence (AI) as a Negative Technological Development Instructions  Choose a specific communications/media technology that has affected the emergence or transformation of the public sphere (old … Read more

The Delivery of a New Android App, That Lets You Know Where To Buy The Freshest Eggs and Direct from The Farmgate, Williams River Valley, NSW

Topic  The Delivery of a New Android App, That Lets You Know Where To Buy The Freshest Eggs and Direct from The Farmgate, Williams River Valley, NSW Instructions  Write a … Read more

A Case Study of Cybersecurity Concept-Sony Leaks

Topic  A Case Study of Cybersecurity Concept-Sony Leaks Instructions  The topic of the report or case study is SECURITY. The report or case study should ideally relate to your subject … Read more