Browse Essays

Research Paper on Woman’s Film and Female Spectatorship

Topic  Research Paper on Woman’s Film and Female Spectatorship Instructions  You have two related assessments this term: the Research Portfolio, and the Research Project. You will need to choose one … Read more

Current Labor Trends in the Media Information and Telecommunication Industry in Australia

Topic  Current Labor Trends in the Media Information and Telecommunication Industry in Australia Instructions  Complete a 2000-word assignment that demonstrates knowledge and understanding of current labor market trends relevant to … Read more

Xiaomi Portfolio Analysis

Topic  Xiaomi Portfolio Analysis Instructions  Managing Innovation is a 100 percent coursework module. The assignment is a group assignment. You are free to form your own groups of five students, … Read more

Toyota Digital Marketing Strategies

Topic  Toyota Digital Marketing Strategies Instructions  The assignment is individually based coursework based on selecting and evaluating the suitability of an organization’s current digital marketing activities, recommending ways in which … Read more

Kathmandu Uncertainty Avoidance and Indulgence

Topic  Kathmandu Uncertainty Avoidance and Indulgence Instructions  Answer Preview  Slides: 4

Theoretical basis and empirical perspective of corporate culture and its relationship to the management and development of business enterprises – The Case of Nike

Topic  Theoretical basis and empirical perspective of corporate culture and its relationship to the management and development of business enterprises – The Case of Nike Instructions  Write a literature review … Read more

The Impact of Beliefs, Attitudes and Values on Workplace Behavior

Topic  The Impact of Beliefs, Attitudes and Values on Workplace Behavior Instructions  Write an essay paper discussing the impact of beliefs, Attitudes and values on Workplace Behavior Answer Preview  In … Read more

Consumerism and Capitalism in the 1960s onwards

Topic Consumerism and Capitalism in the 1960s onwards Instructions Answer the questions on Consumerism and Capitalism in the 1960s onwards. Answer preview – What was the view regarding technology in … Read more

Behavior Analysis

Topic Behavior Analysis Instructions 1. In your own words, explain what behavioral analysis is. In your response, also touch upon crime scene profiling. 2. In your own words, explain what … Read more

Treasure Project

Topic Treasure Project Instructions 1.What are the issues/ problems in the case? 2. What is the key issue/ problem in this Case? Justify your answer. 3. What are the short … Read more

Motor Pathways

Topic Motor Pathways Instructions For each area of the central nervous system below, briefly summarize the contribution to motor function. Write at least 100 words for each area: Spinal Cord … Read more

Crime Scene Profiling

Topic Crime Scene Profiling Instructions What are the central arguments in the reading? What data sources and/or concepts does the author use to support the argument? What other lines of … Read more

Process Modelling and Reengineering

Topic Process Modelling and Reengineering Instructions Answer preview Advancements accrued due to the adoption of a leading Business Process Management System by the Company Changes in the system and the … Read more

Marketing Plan for Rebecca Bijl Photographer

Topic Marketing Plan for Rebecca Bijl Photographer Instructions 1. Business background Describe the background of the selected business and its industry. Include age of the business, brief history, ownership, organisational … Read more


Topic Interrogation Instructions You are to discuss each sentence below by providing a 100 words response for each (yes, I will count the amount of words for each of your … Read more

Age Diversity in A Workplace Environment

Topic Age Diversity in A Workplace Environment Instructions Your team are a handful of HR staff that have been assigned the task of advising the Board of a Company/Organisation on … Read more

Drug Cartels as a Threat to the United States Security

Topic Drug Cartels as a Threat to the United States Security Instructions Discuss the topic: Drug Cartels as a Threat to the United States Security Answer preview The United States … Read more

A Study of Obesity

Topic A Study of Obesity Instructions Discuss about the causes and implications of obesity. Answer preview The causes of obesity might be hormonal, genetic or behavioral. When people consume excessive … Read more

Wrongful Conviction

Topic Wrongful Conviction Instructions What are the central arguments in the reading? What data sources and/or concepts does the author use to support the argument? What other lines of reasoning … Read more

Zara’s Current Marketing Provisions

Topic Zara’s Current Marketing Provisions Instructions TASK 1. TARGET MARKET (10%) Research, describe and evaluate the marketing strategy used by Zara clearly identifying the company’s current target market. TASK 2. … Read more