Browse Essays

A Critical Evaluation of Marketing Ethics in Practice (Apple’s Planned Obsolescence)

Topic A Critical Evaluation of Marketing Ethics in Practice (Apple’s Planned Obsolescence) Instructions Your task is to find a current debate in the news or social media that involves one … Read more

The Role and Effect of Corporate Social Responsibility(CSR) (A case of Huawei)

Topic The Role and Effect of Corporate Social Responsibility(CSR) (A case of Huawei) Instructions We have written the Introduction, Literature Review and Methodology of this dissertation already – see below. … Read more

Innovation Report for Siemens

Topic Innovation Report for Siemens Instructions Conduct an in-depth evaluation (using publicly available information) of the organization Siemens and prepare a 2400 word Innovation Report. Structure (must use academic theory): … Read more

Role and effect of Corporate Social Responsibility – A Case of Huawei

Topic Role and effect of Corporate Social Responsibility – A Case of Huawei Instructions Write the Methodology Requirements: 1. Propose to use QUANTITATIVE method, with QUESTIONNAIRES. 2. Propose very simple … Read more

Operation Plan for a Charity Music Event (The Great Ormond Street Hospital)

Topic Operation Plan for a Charity Music Event (The Great Ormond Street Hospital) Instructions You are an Events Entertainment Operations manager for Lend me your Ears Productions. You have been … Read more

Allan. M Brandt’s ‘No Magic Bullet’

Topic Allan. M Brandt’s ‘No Magic Bullet’ Instructions What is the main point of this excerpt? Write a sentence summary of the excerpt. Is the author objective? Answer preview The … Read more

E-waste Recycling

Topic E-waste Recycling Instructions Read the attached article and answer the following questions: • Attachment: E-Waste–A Global Hazard • What new terms were introduced? 2-What e-waste problems were presented? 3-What … Read more

Hackers (1995)

Topic Hackers (1995) Instructions Pick any movie from the “Movies to See” list at the end of any chapter in American Ways. Describe the plot of the movie. What was it … Read more

The Impact of E-Commerce on Procurement, Sourcing and Supply Chain Management

Topic The Impact of E-Commerce on Procurement, Sourcing and Supply Chain Management Instructions Topic: How e-commerce affected or is affecting procurement and supply chain management Type of paper: Research project … Read more

Promoting the world of self-service (Reviewing The Tesco case)

Topic Promoting the world of self-service (Reviewing The Tesco case) Instructions Write a draft paper for the dissertation. Answer preview Technological advancement has become part and parcel of conventional retail … Read more

Promoting the world of self-service – The Tesco case

Topic Promoting the world of self-service – The Tesco case Instructions Write a 1000-word draft paper on the Tesco Case. Answer preview Technological advancement has become part and parcel of … Read more

Saudi Arabia makes spying on spouse’s phone illegal

Topic Saudi Arabia makes spying on spouse’s phone illegal Instructions Discuss why Saudi Arabia makes spying on spouse’s phone illegal. Answer preview Human rights refer to the privileges that … Read more

Employee Engagement

Topic Employee Engagement Instructions Watch the Engagement video at the link below: Provide answers for the following questions: Discuss your initial thoughts on employee engagement after watching the video? … Read more

The Wage Gap between Men and Women

Topic The Wage Gap between Men and Women Instructions Read Catching Up: The Gender Gap in Wages, circa 2000 by June O’Neill. Write a 4-5 page critique essay of O’Neill’s … Read more

The Financial Activities of MillerCoors Company

Topic The Financial Activities of MillerCoors Company Instructions Select a listed company from any industry and in any country; You are required to write a report, 2,000 words in length. The report … Read more

The Sport Marketing Management Issue at Manhattan Athletic Club

Topic The Sport Marketing Management Issue at Manhattan Athletic Club Instructions The paper is to be written from the point of view of a sports club manager.   You will choose … Read more

Adoption of MMP in New Zealand

Topic Adoption of MMP in New Zealand Instructions Discuss the adoption of mixed-member proportion electoral structure in New Zealand. Answer preview The New Zealand electoral structure is known as the … Read more

Alexander Calandra (“Angels on a Pin”) and James Paul Gee on Grading with Games

Topic Alexander Calandra (“Angels on a Pin”) and James Paul Gee on Grading with Games Instructions Read the very short article by Alexander Calandra (“Angels on a Pin”) then watch the entire … Read more

Employability Skills

Topic Employability Skills Instructions You will use a range of theories, concepts and principles from your lessons in weeks 1 to 7 to complete three journal entries as outlined below: … Read more

Career Reflection (Employability Skills)

Topic Career Reflection (Employability Skills) Instructions A Critical reflection Word Limit: 1,600 words (Plus or minus 10%), including appendices with the following elements: A) Provide evidence of attending two events … Read more