Browse Essays

Media Impact on Food Waste – A Report Commissioned by the Australian Federal Government’s Department of Environment and Energy

Topic Media Impact on Food Waste – A Report Commissioned by the Australian Federal Government’s Department of Environment and Energy Instructions Write a report on how media impacts food waste … Read more

Persuasive Letter for Comprehending Cultural Competence and Structural Racism

Topic Persuasive Letter for Comprehending Cultural Competence and Structural Racism Instructions You have a friend (imaginary or real) who does not share your concern for diversity. Write a letter to … Read more

Market Analysis- Tesla Global

Topic Market Analysis – Tesla Global Instructions Conduct a Market Analysis  for Tesla Global. Answer preview After doing a comprehensive research on the best new market for sales, Abu Dhabi … Read more

Stereotyping– An Auto-ethnographic Reflection

Topic Stereotyping – An Auto-ethnographic Reflection Instructions This assessment extends ideas you explored in your racial autobiography. Drawing on your personal history and experience (this can include discussions with your … Read more

Southwest Airlines – A Market Plan Proposal

Topic Southwest Airlines – A Market Plan Proposal Instructions Write a market plan proposal for Southwest Airlines. Answer preview Southwest Airlines is a company that focuses on domestic travels and … Read more


Topic Challenges faced by Bollywood in the Promotion of a Progressive Vision of the Indian Society-The Case of the Caste System in Films in the Last 10 Years Instructions Discuss … Read more

The Purchase Decision-Making Process

Topic The Purchase Decision-Making Process Instructions Discuss the purchase decision-making process. Answer preview Mr. Wright is an upper-middle-class and white-collar professional who purchases services and products such as electronics and … Read more


Topic Lead Reflection Instructions The reflection will be divided into four sections: Section 1: (4-5 paragraphs) Provide a brief summary of the day’s events. Your summary should include an explanation … Read more

What impact do diversity issues have on your policy and policy advocacy strategy?

Topic What impact do diversity issues have on your policy and policy advocacy strategy? Instructions Given what you know about issues of diversity, what impact do diversity issues have on … Read more

Techniques used by companies in going global

Topic Techniques used by companies in going global Instructions Describe techniques companies may use to enter or grow markets in other countries. As a group, evaluate the benefits and pitfalls … Read more

The Aging Process in Mexico

Topic The Aging Process in Mexico Instructions Discuss the aging process in Mexico. Answer preview According to Aguila, Lopez-Ortega, and Robleda (2018) the percentage of older adults in Mexico, aged … Read more

Training at T&T

Topic Training at T&T Instructions Based on the information contained in the Transcribe and Tally: Jugaad in Action case study, your task is to objectively: 1. What are the key … Read more

Have Cases Presented on behalf of Prisoners in the Australia Court of Human Rights Diminished Public Respect for Human Rights for Prisoners?

Topic Have Cases Presented on behalf of Prisoners in the Australia Court of Human Rights Diminished Public Respect for Human Rights for Prisoners? Instructions Have Cases Presented on behalf of … Read more

Transnational Strategy and Global Efficiencies and Local Responsiveness – A Case of MNEs

Topic Transnational Strategy and Global Efficiencies and Local Responsiveness – A case of MNEs Instructions Discuss Transnational Strategy and Global Efficiencies and Local Responsiveness. Answer preview Multinational enterprises (MNEs) are … Read more

DigiSwitch Marketing Agency LLC Business Plan

Topic DigiSwitch Marketing Agency LLC Business Plan Instructions Develop a business plan for a start-up company that plans to sell a product or a service in a local market, national … Read more

Marital Rape in the U.S.A

Topic Marital rape in the U.S.A Instructions Discuss about marital rape in USA. Answer preview According to the criminal victimization report of 2018 (Morgan & Oudekerk), the numbers of victims … Read more

Odysseus’s Poem

Topic Odysseus’s Poem Instructions Respond to Odysseus’s Poem. Answer preview Odyssey, a larger than life poem writer, was a controversial artist who focused on misleading his audience by controversial statements … Read more

G&M Cosmetics Pty Ltd in China

Topic G&M Cosmetics Pty Ltd in China Instructions This report aims to use research techniques to identify suitable potential markets and then prioritise a single market to identify a positioning … Read more

Drug Dealing – A Three-way Approach

Topic Drug Dealing – A Three-way Approach Instructions Discuss the Three-way Approach in Drug Dealing. Answer preview Drug dealing is considered to be a worldwide unlawful trade that entails the … Read more

How the Middle East represented women in the cinema compared to Europe

Topic How the Middle East represented women in the cinema compared to Europe Instructions The topic you choose must be clearly connected to the unit theme of global film and … Read more