Browse Essays

Rational Choice and Punishment Administration

Topic Rational Choice and Punishment Administration Instructions The summary must be in paragraph format and should be approximately 150 words. Each summary should focus on three primary areas. Please use … Read more

Self Esteem and Stress

Topic Self Esteem and Stress Instructions Write a short 2-3 page paper answering the following: Describe self- esteem and explain what role it plays in promoting and resolving stress.  List and … Read more

The Repercussions of Climate Change

Topic The Repercussions of Climate Changes and Environmental Changes on Health of Aboriginal Australians and Torres Strait Islanders Instructions The aim of this type of essay is to convince the … Read more

Enabling Factors for Gender and Social inclusion in Green and Inclusive Energy in Kenya

Topic Enabling Factors for Gender and Social inclusion in Green and Inclusive Energy in Kenya Instructions The research is on the factors that help in Gender and Social inclusion (marginalized, … Read more

Video Games in Asia

Topic Discussions about video games in Asia and its impact on teenage gamers Instructions You are expected to summarise what other scholars have said about video games in Asia, and … Read more

Self-determination Privilege to the Indigenous People of Australia

Topic Self-determination privilege to the Indigenous People of Australia Instructions Why is Self-Determination an important concept for Indigenous people? How is it protected under international law? Answer preview The common … Read more

Visa Application for study in Canada

Topic  Visa Application for study in Canada Instructions  A letter document for Visa Application for study in Canada Answer Preview  I chose to study in Canada to acquire an international … Read more

Iraq vs. USA Gulf War

Topic  Iraq vs. USA Gulf War Instructions  An essay paper on why USA went to Iraq gulf war, what were advantages and disadvantages of this war for USA. Personal opinion … Read more

SWOT Analysis (Current State of Wal-Mart Stores Inc)

Topic  SWOT Analysis (Current State of Wal-Mart Stores Inc) Instructions  Write a paper on SWOT Analysis (Current State of Wal-Mart Stores Inc) Answer Preview  Wal-Mart’s strength in both local and … Read more

America and the First World War

Topic  America and the First World War Instructions  Write a paper on America and the First World War Answer Preview  Europe experienced territorial disagreements and other tussles over boundaries. A … Read more

The U.S. role in its rivalry with the Soviet Union

Topic  The U.S. role in its rivalry with the Soviet Union Instructions  Answer Preview The rivalry contributed to increased pressure from both sides and with the Soviet Union attempting to … Read more

Net Present Value and Internal Rate of Return

Topic  Net Present Value and Internal Rate of Return Instructions  Describe how net present value is used in the financial decision making process. Explain the disadvantages of using the payback … Read more

Opportunity, Sunk Costs and Investment Decisions

Topic  Opportunity, Sunk Costs and Investment Decisions Instructions  Explain the effects of sunk costs and opportunity costs in deciding whether to accept a project. Review the financial considerations a company … Read more

Amazon vs. Wal-Mart.

Topic  Amazon vs. Wal-Mart. Instructions  Answer Preview  Amazon has a competitive edge over Wal-Mart because of its business model. Unlike Wal-Mart, Amazon does not invest heavily on a physical location. … Read more

Business ethics

Topic  Business ethics Instructions  Write a case study on business ethics Answer Preview  Business ethics can be defined as the questions of wrong and right in regards to the business … Read more

Internet Changes in Business.

Topic  Internet Changes in Business. Instructions  Answer Preview  The digital age is fast capturing the commerce industry, soon almost all businesses will be computerized. With the increase in computerizations of … Read more

Patient X Diagnosis

Topic  Patient X Diagnosis Instructions  Congratulations! You are a world-renowned doctor. A patient comes in with the following symptoms: motor deficits that include periodic twitching, sleeping problems, and blurry vision. … Read more

American police

Topic  American police Instructions  Write a summary about American Police Answer Preview  This chapter provides an insight on the history of American police, as well as the manner in which … Read more

Economics (What’s in a Name)

Topic  Economics (What’s in a Name) Instructions  Write an event paper on Economics (What’s in a Name) Answer Preview  How does this article relate to the weekly concept? (5-7 sentences): … Read more

Closing Pakistan’s gender gap in voter turnout

Topic  Closing Pakistan’s gender gap in voter turnout Instructions  Write an event paper on Closing Pakistan’s gender gap in voter turnout Answer Preview  Why do you think this article is … Read more