Browse Essays

Immigration Reforms in America are Mandatory

Topic Immigration reforms in America are Mandatory Instructions Pages  2.5 (750 words) MLA Answer preview Research shows that intellectuals believe that immigration law in America must undergo mandatory reforms to … Read more

Cisco System Inc.

Topic Organizational analysis of Cisco System Inc. Instructions Select an organization that operates globally (in at least 5 countries) and create a profile of the organization. You can select an … Read more


Topic Leadership Instructions Complete the exercise for Chapter 12 – 1.5 page limit single spaced. Your employees are skilled and experienced customer service representatives who perform nonroutine tasks, such as … Read more

Deforestation and relocation on the health of the Penan People

Topic Deforestation and relocation on the health of the Penan People Instructions Deforestation and relocation has impacted on the health of the Penan People in a number of ways, including … Read more

Operations and Supply Chain Management

Topic Operations and Supply Chain Management Instructions What are the key elements of operations and supply chain management? What are the major concepts defining the field of operations and supply … Read more

Human Rights

Topic Human Rights Instructions Write an event paper in 1.5 pages. Answer preview Human rights are rights considered justifiable to every human being regardless of place of residence, gender, nationality, … Read more

Target Employers with Research

Topic Target Employers with Research Instructions 1. Consider: When making your selection think about the geographic area where you would like to work to be sure this employer has a location in … Read more

Global Financial Crisis

Topic Global Financial Crisis Instructions Source document:  Monitoring The Implications of the Global Financial Crisis on Primary Schools, Teachers and Parents in 12 Countries What is the problem statement in … Read more

Dreams Analyzed Psychoanalytically

Topic Dreams Analyzed Psychoanalytically Instructions Sleep Journal and Reflection Project The meaning, origin, and analysis of dreams have fascinated psychologists since the inception of the field of psychology. Sigmund Freud, … Read more

Theory of Constraints

Topic Theory of Constraints Instructions What is the Theory of Constraints (TOC) and why is it important to study? How is the TOC different from conventional approaches? How can the … Read more

Social Science

Topic Social Science Instructions Please peruse the Economic & Social Research Council’s (ESRC) website for a better understanding of the concepts and studies within the Social Sciences. Your first current event … Read more

Resistance to Change

Topic Resistance to Change Instructions write a 3- to 5 (page count does not include title and reference page) page paper that includes the following: Section 1: Introduction Section 2: … Read more

Do the traditional Chinese relation strategies improve human resource efficiency (Literature Review)

Topic Do the traditional Chinese relation strategies improve human resource efficiency (Literature Review) Instructions Write a literature review (2700 words) for the dissertation. Answer preview In general terms, the description … Read more

Do the traditional Chinese relation strategies improve human resource efficiency

Topic Do the traditional Chinese relation strategies improve human resource efficiency Instructions Write a 1000 word proposal. Methodology must use meta data review (i.e. analysing existing papers and other secondary … Read more

Fredrick Douglass and Malala

Topic Fredrick Douglass and Malala Instructions Week 1 – Social Science Narrative Essay Reading: Frederick Douglass/Malala Handout assigned; Little Seagull (LS) 24, 58-61 Introduction to Paragraph and Essay Development; Plagiarism … Read more

A Critique of

Topic A Critique of Instructions After studying the information and interaction flow of a given e-Commerce website, write a critique on how well it adheres to the Social Computing … Read more

Quality Control

Topic Quality Control Instructions Read Sections 18.1 and 18.3 in Ch. 18 of Business Statistics: For Contemporary Decision Making. Consider the following as you read: See how the Quality Management and Deming’s … Read more

Effects of Health on Assimilation of Sami People

Topic Effects of Health on Assimilation of Sami People Instructions Identify a way assimilation has impacted on the health of the Sami Peoples. Please read the following: … Read more

Recreation and Wellness Intranet Project

Topic Recreation and Wellness Intranet Project (Work Breakdown Structure) Instructions Unit V Project 1 Developing a Project Scope Statement Using the Project Scope Statement template provided, use the Running Case on … Read more

Web Development Best Practices

Topic Web Development Best Practices Instructions For this assignment, use the university’s Online Library to find an article on current trends in website development. Write an article critique that includes … Read more