C Array Part M Currently Working Please Help Refer Guys Work Learn Something Guys Read Da Q37110017

Below is a C++ array part that I’m currently working on. Pleasehelp me, so I can refer to you guys work and learn something fromyou guys.

Read data from a file named “100numbers.txt” (which containsnumbers between 1~100 randomly ex: 1, 2, 12, 34, 24, 15, ….100)into an integer array.
1. Declare an integer array of 100 elements and name ittheArray
2. Declare an integer to read data from the file(“100numbers.txt”), and name it theArrayinput.
3. Show an error message when file doesn’t exist.
4. Read data from the file to the array
5. You have the data stored in the array, use the bubble sortalgorithm to


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