C Design Implement Class Whose Objects Represent Polynomials Polynomial Anxn N 1 X N 1 A0 Q37024677

In c++

Design and implement a class whose objects representpolynomials. The polynomial anxn+a n−1 x n−1+…+a0 will beimplemented as a linked list. Each node will contain an int valuefor the power of x and an int value for the correspondingcoefficient. The class operations should include addition,subtraction, multiplication, and evaluation of a polynomial.Overload the operators +, −, and * for addition, subtraction, andmultiplication.

Evaluation of a polynomial is implemented as a member functionwith one argument of type int. The evaluation member functionreturns the value obtained by plugging in its argument for x andperforming the indicated operations. Include four constructors: adefault constructor, a copy


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