C Dynamic Arrays Code Implement Polynomial Class Polynomial Addition Subtraction Multiplic Q37096621

In c++;

I have a dynamic arrays code which implement a polynomial classwith polynomial addition, subtraction and multiplication.

I want to write this code in linked list. All thespecification listed below and program of dynamic arraystoo.

Design and implement a class whose objects representpolynomials. The polynomial anxn+a nāˆ’1 x nāˆ’1+ā€¦+a0 will beimplemented as a linked list. Each node will contain an int valuefor the power of x and an int value for the correspondingcoefficient. The class operations should include addition,subtraction, multiplication, and evaluation of a polynomial.Overload the operators +, āˆ’, and * for addition, subtraction, andmultiplication.

Evaluation of a polynomial is implemented as a


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