c++ Please Help!!!!!!
A. First,create (with notepad application ) and copy the below data (not thecaptions) into a file nameReferees.dat
ID FName LName Grade
0001 Mike Apple CLUB
0012 Josh Boeing STATE
0103 Linda Intel STATE
0084 John Rambus NATIONAL
0205 Becky Sirius CLUB
0045 Tom Skyworks CLUB
0807 Kevin Suzuki NATIONAL
0074 Henry Xilinx STATE
B. Youare to write a program to do the followings:
1. Define an enumeration typeRefereeGrade including 5 values UNKNOWN, CLUB,STATE, NATIONAL and FIFA (given).
2. Define a class namedCReferee as defined in homework 12.
The header file Referee.h shouldcontain the definition of the enumeration typeCReferee. It should be before thedefinition of the class CReferee.
Then, create an array of 10 elementstyped CReferee (in main file)
3. Create a menu with thefollowing options:
a. List all referees
b. List all referees of aspecific