C Program Owner Hardware Store Need Keep Inventory Tell Different Tools Many Hand Cost One Q37184966

C Program:You are the owner of a hardware store and need to keepan inventory that can tell you what different tools you have, howmany of each you have on hand and the cost of each one. Write aprogram with menu to process Sequential-Access File(no delete orupdate function. You will ask the user to input several items andthen write a sequential access file of the data. Then close andreopen the file to print the records. )Use the followinginformation to start you file:

Record #Tool NameQuantityCost3Electric sander757.9817Hammer7611.9924Jig saw2111.0039Lawn mower379.5056Power saw1899.9968Screwdriver1066.9977Sledge hammer1121.5083Wrench347.50


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