C Programming Hi New Programming Struggling Lot Problem Could Please Help Note M Required Q37058705

C Programming

Hi, I am very new to programming and have been struggling a lotwith this problem. Could I please have some help?

identification number called the IP address. An P address has the following form: octet1.octet2.octet3.octet4, where octet1

Return 1-i ipl and ip2 are equal int is equal (ipaddrt ipl, ipaddrt ip2 it oetetl, oetet2 and oetet3 Note for มิtudentมิ with

new 1ine character. Sample run 1 where addr array eontains the to1lowing IP address 1192.168.1.1 192 168.2.1 192 168.1.2, 192


I’m not required to write the main, struct definitions andfunction prototypes


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