C Project Note Maincpp Already Provided Project Cannot Edited Dynarrayh Needs Written Proj Q37061235

C++ Project


main.cpp is already provided with this project andcannot be edited

dynarray.h is what needs to be written

Project Objective:

Successfully implement a generic class using templates inC++.

Step 1

Starting with a copy of your DynArray class, add the followingmember functions:

  1. int& back()
    This function returns the value of the last integer in the usedportion of the vector, but it does not remove it. Throw aruntime_errorif the vector is empty. This function returns byreference.
  2. int& front()
    This function returns the value at the beginning the vector, but itdoes not remove it. Throw a runtime_error if the vector is empty.This function returns by reference.
  3. DynArray(const DynArray& origObject)
    This copy constructor does

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