C Question Would Like Get Bmi Values Calculated Cycle Loop Completes Bmi Values Transferre Q37124959

C++ Question: I would like to get the BMI values calculated foreach cycle that my for loop completes and have each BMI valuestransferred into my “BMI” column in my spreadsheet according toeach loop that it was completed. I do not know where to go and nowI am stuck. Please help me figure out how to solve it.

Very much appreciated and thank you!

#include #include #include #include くiostream» <fstream» <string> <10manip> Home Insert Page Layout Formulas Data Revie Calib

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <iomanip>

using namespace std;
int main()
float sum,BMI,sumW=0,sumH=0,BMIavg,AvgH,AvgW;
int amntpeople;
float Weight[200];
float Height[200];
   cout << “Input the amount of people that


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