Clear Memory Screen Clear Clc Introduction Structs S 12 Sb 24 Sage 82 Sgender Male Saddres Q37146015

%% clear memory and screen
%% introduction to structs
% S.a = 12;
% S.b = 24;
% S.age = 82;
% S.gender = ‘male’;
% S.address = ‘4 abc st’;
% S.datesofparkingviolations = [20190415, 20190320];
% S(2) = S(1);
% S(2).gender = ‘female’;
% S(2).age = 92;
%% writing a scientific script
% x = 6;
% y = 9;
% z = sqrt(x.^2+y.^2);
% s = sin(atan(y/x));
% c = cos(atan(y/x));
% save(‘point2.mat’)

%% loading point1.mat
% point(1) = load(‘point1.mat’);
% point(2) = load(‘point2.mat’);

%% %% this segment creates individual files named point**.matfor all
% % angles between 0 and 360 w/ increments of 10
% R = 10;
% for alpha = 0:10:360
% x = R*cosd(alpha);
% y = R*sind(alpha);
% plot(x,y,’ro’)
% hold


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