Code Alternate Three Separate Classes Run Code Directly Terminal Command Line Example Java Q37296384

Using project 3 as a base, implement a class PeriodicTable App. PeriodicTable periodicTable -new PeriodicTable0: void printO:

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How do I alternate it into three separate classesand run the code directly from the terminal command line? Forexample java PeriodictBaleApp 1 will tell me the atomicNumber. javaperiodicTableApp H will show me the Hydrogen element using thearray list.

If I add my code the question becomes too long. Soplease use the answer on this question to answer thequestion.–input-file-atomic–name–q36907428

Using project 3 as a base, implement a class PeriodicTable App. PeriodicTable periodicTable -new PeriodicTable0: void printO: print the atomic table


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