Complete Following Code Package Labs Import Javautiliterator Import Javautillinkedlist Imp Q37077610

Complete the following code

package Labs;

import java.util.Iterator;

import java.util.LinkedList;

import java.util.Stack;

public class Tree<T>implements Iterable<T> {

static class Node<T>


T data;

LinkedList<Node<T>> children;

public Node(T d)



children=new LinkedList<>();



Node<T> root;


public Iterator<T> iterator() {

// TODO Auto-generated method stub

return new TreeIterator();


private class TreeIteratorimplements Iterator<T>


Stack<Node<T>> s;

public TreeIterator()


s=new Stack<>();

if (root!=null)




public boolean hasNext() {

return false;

// TO DO: Once again, to implement this

//method, simply check if stack s is empty.



public T next() {

return null;

// TO DO:Call hasNext() to make sure there

//is another node to iterate over. If there

//isn’t, return null.

//If there is another node, pop it off of s and save it.

//Now push each of the children onto the stack s. This

//time, since there can be


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