Consider Figure 76 Answer Following Suppose Receiver Figure Wanted Receive Data Sent Sende Q37165357

Senders Data bitsd-1 Channel, Zim Code 1-1 Data bits d Code Receiver 1 im 리리리 121 12 2 Time slot 0 received input Time slot1Consider the Figure 7.6 andanswer the following:

a) Suppose that the receiver in this Figurewanted to receive the data being sent by sender 2. Show (bycalculation) that the receiver is indeed able to recover sender 2’s data from the aggregate channel signal by using sender 2’ scode.

b) Now, suppose the sender/receiver pairs usethe following codes instead. Will the receiver be able tosuccessfully extract the transmitted bits? Justify your answer.

Sender/Receiver 1 code: (1, 1,


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