Consider Following Bnode Class Class Bnode Int Val Bnode Left Right Boolean Isbst Bnode U Q37208006

Consider the following BNode class:

class BNode {

int val;

BNode left, right;

boolean isBST(BNode u){…}
boolean isBST(int min, BNode u, int max){…}


Note that our BNodes do not have parent pointers! It has amethod isBST(u) that returns true iff the subtree rooted at u is aBST. Please write the code for isBST(u) and its helper methodisBST(min, u, max) which will return false if the keys in thesubtree at u do not lie in the range (min, max). The helper methodmust be recursive.


intisBST(BNode  root)


    // if the tree is empty

    if(root ==null)


    // if the current node disobeys the BSTproperty

    // use the isBST(min,


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