Consider Matrix Multiplication Program C B B 5×5 Matrices Elements C11 C22 C5 5 Computed F Q37122014

Consider a matrix multiplication program C=A*B, where A and Bare (5×5) matrices. The elements c11, c22, … c5,5 are computed asfollows C11= a11*b11+a12*b21 +a13*b31 + …. A1n*b51 C12 =a11*b12+a12*b22 +a13*b32 + …. A1n*b52 ………………………… C1n =a11*b1,5+a12*b2,5 +a13*b3,5 + …. A1n*b5,55 And so on For thiscomputation, you are required to build a graph as follows: Everyelement of the array is considered adjacent to another element ifboth elements are part of one operation. If two elements areadjacent, then there must be a link between them. • Build the graphfor the above code (5) • Color the edges of the graph with minimalcolors


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