Conventionally Come Expect Uni Processor Performance Doubling Every 18 24 36 Months True F Q37097023

A) Conventionally, we have come to expect uni-processorperformance doubling every 18/24/36 months. True/False

B.)What are the technology trends driving the paradigm shift tothe multicore processors?

C) Will multicore processors enable this continued trend ofdoubling performance? If so, how and under what conditions? Justifyyour answer if you don’t believe so?


A) True, as per the Moore’s law technology is improving every 18months. We have finally come down to 180nm technology. For theuni-processors the performance doubles as size reduces.

B) Previously we didn’t have strong languages supportingmultithreading. The process was sequential and that made us ofsingle processor. Now there are better high level languagesdeveloped


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