Converting X86 Assembly C Please Don T Copy Work Answer Unless Confident Put Runtime M Cer Q37204761

Converting x86 Assembly to C… Please don’t copy work or answerunless you are confident. I put runtime but I’m not certain.
#include <stdio.h> typedef struct Point int xi int yi Point int func(Point pl, Point p2) int main(O Point pl, p2; pi.y -1O p2func: pushl %ebp movl %esp, %ebp pushl %esi subl $20, %esp movl 20(%ebp ) , %eax movl 16(%ebp ) , %ecx movl 12 ( %ebp), %eax

#include <stdio.h> typedef struct Point int xi int yi Point int func(Point pl, Point p2) int main(O Point pl, p2; pi.y -1O p2.x2 p2.y 6


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