Could Explain Steppingstone5recipe Works Steppingstone5recipetest Ve Gotten Help Program S Q37204668

Could you explain to me how steppingstone5_recipe works withsteppingstone5_recipetest..I’ve gotten help but my program stillseem to have errors and will not run for me.

package ingredient;
import java.util.Scanner;
import java.util.ArrayList;

* @author
public class SteppingStone5_Recipe {

private String recipeName;
private int servings;
ArrayList<String> recipeIngredients;
private int totalRecipeCalories;

* Add three variables:
* 1. a variable ‘servings’ to store how many people the recipe willfeed;
* 2. an ArrayList variable ‘recipeIngredients’ to store the textfor the
* names (recipeName) each recipe ingredient added
* 3. a variable totalRecipeCalories
* Add mutators and accessors for the class variable.
public SteppingStone5_Recipe() {
this.recipeName = “”;
this.servings = 1; //<— assignment value with appropriate datatype
this.recipeIngredients = new ArrayList(); //<– assignment valuefor empty


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