Create a function that can calculate maximum handicap score fora specific input bowler’s first name, and last name.
TOURNAMENTS TourneylD TourneyDate TourneyLocation PK TOURNEY MATCHES MatchID TourneylD Lanes OddLane TeamID FK EvenLaneTeamID FK PK Fk MATCH GAMES MatchlD CPK GameNumber CPK WinningTeamlD FK TEAMS TeamID TeamName CaptainlD PK FK BOWLERS BOWLER SCORES MatchlD GameNumber CPK BowlerlD RawScore HandicapScore WonGame CPK PK BowlerID BowlerLastName BowlerFirstName BowlerMiddlelnit BowlerStreetAddress BowlerCity BowlerState BowlerZipCode BowlerPhoneNumber TeamID CPK FK Show transcribed image text TOURNAMENTS TourneylD TourneyDate TourneyLocation PK TOURNEY MATCHES