Create Functons Constructors Mutators Accessors Include Include Include Include Infodeskh Q37227637

//Create functons, constructors, mutators,accessors.

#include “infoDesk.h”
using namespace std;

//———- Constructors and Destructors ——————-
// Name: Default Constructor
// Sets all the entries in the information table to the empty
// string and sets the number of entries equal to 0.


// Name: Copy Constructor
// Sets all the entries in the information table to thematching
// values in the infoDesk object passed in as a parameter.
// Automatically called when passing an object by value
// or creating an object to be a copy of an existing object
infoDesk::infoDesk(const infoDesk &Other)


// Name: Destructor
// This does nothing since there is no dynamic memory.
   cout << “Destructorn”;

//—————— Mutators ——————-
// Name: LoadFile
// Purpose: Fills


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