Create New Project Program Convert Us Dollar Usd Another Currency Choice Q37150228

Create a new project. This program will convert USDollar (USD) to another currency of choice.

1. Wite code to take two inputs from the user using two Textfield boxes: .the currency to convert to (e.g. EUR). Call this boexchangeRate.txt Notepad File Edit Format From, To,Rate USD, EUR,0.89 USD, CNY, 6.7 USD, INR,69. 26 USD, GBP,0.77 View Help

1. Wite code to take two inputs from the user using two Textfield boxes: .the currency to convert to (e.g. EUR). Call this box ‘to’ the amount to convert (e.g. 100). Call this box ‘amount’. 2. Create


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