Create a sorting algorithm for an array of 16 numbers (ascendingorder) using NASM assembly x86. Please post the code with commentsin the code if possible
;; indicate the comment
;; first we definr the externs.
extern MessageBoxA
extern ExitProcess
;; Construct our symbol import table
import MessageBoxA user32.dll
import ExitProcess kernel32.dll
;; This goes into the code section; use 32-bit code,fromthis point on .section .text use32
;; Start running the program from here.
;; Call the main function.
call main
;; Exit, returning ehatever main returnrd.
push eax
call [ExitProcess]
enter 0,0
push dword 16 ;; The size of the array is16 DWORDs.
push dword the_array ;; The pointer to the array