Define Sql View Q10 Unswid Name Avgmark Gives Unswid Name Students Top 10 Highest Rankings Q37103024

Define SQL view Q10(unswid,name,avg_mark), which gives theunswid and name of students with the top 10 highest rankings insemester 2011 S1. Students’ rankings are ordered by avg_mark (i.e.,the average mark of all the courses completed in 2011 S1) fromhighest to lowest. A student must be a full-time student (completeat least 3 courses in 2011 S1) in order to calculate his/heravg_mark. If there are multiple students with the same avg_mark,they have the same rank, which means your view may contain morethan 10 rows. The view should return the following details abouteach student: • unswid should be taken from People.unswid field. •name should


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