Demonstrate Hash Function H X 5x 11 Mod 19 Weakly Collision Resistant H 4 Q37183612

Demonstrate that the hash function H(x) = 5x + 11 mod 19 is notweakly collision resistant, for H(4)


H(4): 5x11 mod 19 12 Using a simple program, I was able to find collisions at x-23, 42, 61, 80, 99. Finding 5 collisions in x

H(4): 5×11 mod 19 12 Using a simple program, I was able to find collisions at x-23, 42, 61, 80, 99. Finding 5 collisions in x<100 shows H(4) is not very collision resistant. It also reveals a pattern of finding a collision every 19 numbers for(var i 0; i< 100; i++ var


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