Design Implement Class Representing Doubly Linked List Linked List Nodes Must Implemented Q37278722

Design and implement a class representing a doublylinked list. The linked list and the nodes must beimplemented as C++ templates.

The class should have the following functions:

  1. A constructor
  2. A copy constructor
  3. A destructor
  4. An operator= function to overload the assignment operator
  5. A function to delete a given item
  6. A function to insert a given item
  7. An isEmpty function
  8. A makeEmpty function
  9. A getLength function that returns how many items are in thelist
  10. A print function that prints all items in the list
  11. A function that searches for a given item and returnstrue/false
  12. A function that deletes ALL occurrences of anitem
  13. A function that returns the number of occurrences of anitem

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