Determine Two 80211ac Wireless Routers Able Communicate Multiple Locations Antenna Used T Q37093652

Determine if two 802.11AC wireless routers will be able tocommunicate with each other in multiple locations, and if so, whichantenna should be used and why. The table below shows the distancesbetween router locations shown in the diagram.

Position 1Position 2Position 3Position 4Position 50 meters120 meters215 meters215 meters120 meters0 meters100 meters160 meters100 meters0 meters70 meters100 meters0 meters90 meters

Below is the Cisco specifications manual link for an AeronetAccess Point, that includes the minimum receive level for an802.11n (-75dBm is more received power than -90 dBm),identify the transmit (again using 802.11n output power(here, the greater the positive number, the greater the transmitpower), and a


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