Dont Understand Use Canvas Code Css Html Page Im Required Canvas Images Around Page Im Sur Q37225187

I dont understand how to use the canvas code for CSS on my htmlpage,Im required to canvas images around my page but Im not surehow to do it could someone help? This is my code.

<!DOCTYPE html>



<body background=”background.jpg



<meta charset=”utf-8″>

<meta name=”viewport” content = “width=device-width,initial-scale=1”>

<title> Brisa Lopez

Las Cruces, New Mexico </title>



<h2>Welcome to my second website!</h2>

<div class=”nav_bar”>



<li><a href=”MyPodcast.html”>MyPodcast</a></li>

<li><a href=”Contactme.html”>ContactMe</a></li>


<textarea name=”text” cols=”25″ rows=”10″>

In the sound and voice, I did different advertisements over dadjokes which were mp3, au, mp4 and mpg format. In the slideshows, Idid a video over pictures displayed with Queen. I chose BphemianRhapsody because at that time it was my favorite song!









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