2013 – Tied For the Fourth Hottest Year on Record


2013 – Tied For the Fourth Hottest Year on Record


Find and include a minimum of one current event clipped from the popular media (newspapers, magazines, etc.) for each of the discussion topics listed on the syllabus. Popular media does not include scientific journals and periodicals. Write a one or two page paper about the significance of the event and its relationship to the discussion topic.

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Since records started in 1880, on 21st January 2014, The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) revealed that 2013 corresponded to 2003 as the 4th hottest year. The global heats recorded were higher than the normal for the 37th sequential year. The yearly temperatures of the land and the surface of the ocean were 0.620c more than typical warmness (Koronowski, 2014). Moreover, The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) released a report indicating that the global temperatures have an increasing long-term inclination. The year 2013 together with 2006 and 2009, tied on record for the seventh-hottest year according to NASA that attracted the attention of the experts in natural science. Notably, NASA and NOAA relied on the same data however; NASA processes the data in somewhat dissimilar manner as compared to NOAA.

Word count: 672