A Case Study of Cybersecurity Concept-Sony Leaks


A Case Study of Cybersecurity Concept-Sony Leaks


The topic of the report or case study is SECURITY.

The report or case study should ideally relate to your subject specialisms.

  • For example you could analyze an aspect of SECURITY in the financial sector, such as investment, relating to SECURITY in banks, or another business of your own choosing.
  • Or you can analyze an aspect of politics which deals with SECURITY; for example, the issue of national security (European security?) after Brexit
  • Or you could analyze a film which deals in some way with SECURITY.

You should ensure that: 

  • You read ALL the sources before making your choice
  • You identify the focus and audience of the report or case study you want to write
  • You make an initial plan of your report
  • You select, summarize and paraphrase appropriate sections of the texts
  • You use citation correctly and provide a correctly set out list of references at the end
  • You present a coherent piece of text, supported by evidence and references from all the texts you are using
  • Your report or case study has a clear structure

Answer Preview 

Cybersecurity is increasingly becoming a concern for many organizations and they are spending large amounts to bolster their security systems. In that regard, most firms are investing in state-of-the-art security infrastructure coupled with sourcing for reputable information security experts who can secure the company’s networks and servers (Warkentin and Willison, 2009). However, the incident that happened at Sony Company confirms that Hackers and other cybercriminals are always a step ahead of most of these firms. The following reasons highlight why cybercrimes are increasingly finding it easy to access unauthorized information. First, technological trends being witnessed in the world massively propel the activities of hackers. Most of the cyber-criminals are techno-savvy and they elaborately have the proficiency of technology infrastructures at their finger-tips; therefore, the ease with which they execute their online activities is quite incredible (Colwill, 2009). For instance, the hackers stole massive swaths of confidential information from Sony and posted them online for the perusal of anybody who wished to know pore through the documents. Workers who tried to log in to their computers were greeted by a message that featured the words ‘#Hacked by# GOP’ (Peterson, 2014).

Word Count: 1100