A Comparative Analysis of the Human Resource Management Practices between Privately-Owned and State-Owned Commercial Banks in China


A Comparative Analysis of the Human Resource Management Practices between Privately-Owned and State-Owned Commercial Banks in China


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In China, the banking industry has significantly contributed to the significant economic growth – through such things as providing capital, and managing equities and resources, among others (Berger, Hasan & Zhou, 2009). In this scope, research has consistently shown that the performance of the organization, including the banking organizations, is closely linked to the way the human resources, or employees, are managed within the organization (Delery & Gupta, 2016). HRM practices that create a motivating workplace, and give the workers an environment where they have a sense of ownership and commitment, are more likely to yield productive workers and higher levels of performance than the one where workers are dissatisfied with their work and are disconnected from the organization (Zaraket & Halawi, 2017).

Word count: 11612