A Concern for Obesity increase among College Students (A Clinical Practice Project Report)
Write a report on: A Concern for Obesity increase among College Students.
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In the past decade, the prevalence and burden of obesity have become a worldwide health concern. Most health organizations recommend that adults achieve a body mass index (BMI) between 18.5 to 24.9 to avoid obesity related diseases like cancer, hypertension, diabetes, and various cardiovascular diseases. Factors which contribute to obesity includes unhealthy behaviors, poor eating habits, physical inactivity, health literacy, and social determinates of health. According to Sogari, Velez-Argumedo, Gómez and Mora, 2018, “common barriers to healthy eating were time constraints, unhealthy snacking, convenience high-calorie food, stress, high prices of healthy food, and easy access to junk food. Conversely, enablers to healthy behavior were improved food knowledge and education, meal planning, involvement in food preparation, and being physically active” (Sogari, Velez-Argumedo, Gómez,, & Mora, 2018, pp. 1-2)
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