A Constructivist Approach to International Relations and Politic


A Constructivist Approach to International Relations and Politic


Discuss A Constructivist Approach to International Relations and Politic.

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The objective of this paper is to critically analyse constructivism as one of the approaches used in understanding international relations (IR). In particular, the paper focuses on the core principles of constructivism, focusing on the ontological and epistemological underpinnings of the approach. Constructivism is distinguishable from other approaches based on its ontology and epistemology assumptions. The ontological (nature of reality) view of constructivism takes an anti-foundationalist position, that reality of IR is socially-constructed, it is specific and is under constant adjustment. Epistemologically (what we can know about the social world), constructivism provides that there are different ways of knowing about knowledge in the social world based on interpretation of meanings (Burton, 2010).

Word count: 2119