Requirements to learn, commit and to become a higher developed person (A Covey Text basis)


Requirements to learn, commit and to become a higher developed person (A Covey Text basis)


Using the Covey text as a basis, what will you require yourself to learn, commit, and do so as to become a higher developed person?

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Stephen Covey came up with seven habits for highly effective people and from these habits; there are so many things to be done using them as a guideline. In his first habit, Covey advices that one needs to be proactive so as to be highly effective in whatever is at hand. The application of this habit requires actions like determining what I want from my career and making a career plan on how I am going to achieve my goals. In habit one, I also get to learn about the physical dimension of proactivity; this involves me taking good care of my physical body by eating the right food, getting well rested and exercising regularly.

Word count: 380