A Critique of Kogan.com


A Critique of Kogan.com


  1. After studying the information and interaction flow of a given e-Commerce website, write a critique on how well it adheres to the Social Computing models learned in the unit. Specifically ”Overall Interaction and Information Flow Model” and ”Human Need Fulfilling Model”. Write a 1000 word critique highlighting how the website can be re-designed to achieve better business outcomes based on Social Computing paradigm.
  2. Critically analyse the given e-Commerce website looking for drawbacks it has in performing some business interactions with wider society that you think can be achieved using Social Computing to achieve better business outcomes. Based on what you have researched and learned in this unit write a critique highlighting how the website can be re-designed to achieve these outcomes and your reasons for the suggested features. Develop mock-up screens of the interfaces to highlight the suggested features.

This critique (report) should have an introduction that explains the purpose of the critique (report). The next section should explain how the e-Commerce website is conducting some of its information flows and business interactions at present. This should be followed by a section that analyses and explains the cause for some of the drawbacks in the current system. Next you should present a Social Computing based solution to overcome some of these issues. This should also include suggested Social Computing based features to the website and the basis for these suggestions. You should finish the critique (report) with a concluding section providing your recommendations and highlighting the benefits for the business. This 1000 word report needs to be prepared using MS Word.

Answer preview

Social computing seeks to intersect social behaviors with computer systems. In this regard, social computing leads to creation and employment of social conventions in a variety of realms with the use of software and technological issues to realize a given end. Through the application of Web 2.0, social computing emerges from the technological perspective. The various technologies keep hold of computing applications that vary in nature from business to social issues. These applications, in order to be effective enough require some precise characteristics such as content sharing abilities, social and business interactions and issuance of aggregated knowledge.

Word count: 1172