A New Employee in an Established Organization


A New Employee in an Established Organization


After checking out and reading the following links, write your response to any and all of the following questions:

  1. Which one of the advice tips offered in these articles will be the most challenging for you to achieve and why?
  2. What has been your experience with being a new employee in a professional organization?
  3. How has your experience in working in hourly wage jobs prepare you for a professional career?

Note that your answer to those questions must show evidence that you have read these web links.

Answer preview

The advice I found most difficult to achieve is the advice of accepting that I am a newbie in the organizations and I should accept everything that comes with it, even cleaning the proverbial toilet to shine. Most of us graduate college expecting so much form the careers we have put in all effort to pursue. Getting out of college and working at the lowest end of the pole has a huge impact on one’s self esteem. This is why I find this advice very difficult to implement.

Word count: 404