A Plan for Australia Reconciliation


A Plan for Australia Reconciliation


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Additionally, the Reconciliation Australia strategic plan works by focusing on education, engagement, collaboration and knowledge sharing. Most importantly, the Reconciliation action plan drives the foundation’s motive of ensuring that the staff and all stakeholders work towards reconciliation and promoting unity in the nation. The RAP (Reconciliation Action Plan) primarily targets to enhance the modeling of relationship-building behavior that pursues reconciliation (Reconciliation Australia, 2019). This aspect forms the fundamental of core business operations of the foundation particularly in providing opportunities for Aboriginal and Torres Islanders’ businesses. In a bid to achieve this commitment, the organization has a well elaborated employee’s structure; at the helm of leadership is the CEO-Karen Mundine (works closely with co-chairs Tom Calma and Melinda Cilento). The executive leadership team supports the top management. The staff of the organization works on the available platform to foster reconciliation processes. For instance, through the alumni engagement, the organization has identified people who have are dedicated to drive positive change towards attaining a more unified, just and equitable Australia (Reconciliation Australia, 2019). Another internal aspect that defines the activities of Reconciliation Australia is the annual National Reconciliation Week (NRW) that connects all stakeholders and evaluates all the steps that have been made. For instance, in 2015 and 2016, the foundation sponsored the elder of the year awards and young person of the year award during the NRW (Reconciliation Australia, 2019).

Word Count: 800