A Reflection on 80s Nostalgia


A Reflection on 80s Nostalgia


Write 5 reflective journals, 600 words each, based on the topics given.

Theme:80s nostalgic

First journal. Topic: The nostalgia in Woody Allen’s Midnight in Paris.

Second journal. Topic: Raiders of the Lost Ark, the nostalgic meaning of the Indiana Jones character. And other effect to the contemporary.


Third journal. Topic : Why Retro ‘80s Nostalgia Rules Pop Culture’ still got a great influence to the pop culture in nowadays.




Forth journal topic : What is the impact of 80s clothing on modern fashion design? Does the current fashion design have a nostalgic complex to the 80s fashion style?

Fifth journal topic: To the 80s society, Prince Charles and Lady Diana get married. What kind of influence and nostalgia it had ?



Answer preview

From my understanding, how somebody described Paris solely lay on the individual’s ideas that were confirmed by how they viewed the city. For instance, Allen et al.  (2011) offered a personalized glimpse of his Paris in the sense that it was described in terms of monuments and cafes, rainy strolls and glistening lights. Additionally, Allen argued that music and not mere words could elaborately characterize the panoramic view of the city. Therefore, through the characters (Inez and Gil), they brought out their observations about the city of Paris. For example, Inez told Gil that according to him Paris only exists in the phenomenology of his perception.

Word count: 3266